† indicates mentored undergraduate student. ¥ indicates mentored postdoc.
Tong RL, Khan UN, Grafe L, Hitti FL, Fried NT, and Corbett BF. “Stress Circuitry: Mechanisms behind Nervous and Immune System Communication that Influence Behavior.” Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2023; v14.
Fried NT, Maxwell CR, Hoek JB, Elliott, MB, Oshinsky ML. “Adenosine modulates extracellular glutamate levels via adenosine A2A receptors in the delayed-ethanol induced headache.” (In submission. Available at bioRxiv).
Toussaint A, Foster W, Jones JM, Kaufmann S, Wachira M†, Hughes R†, Bongiovanni AR, Famularo ST, Dunham BP, Schwark R, Fried NT, Wimmer M, Abdus-Saboor I. “Chronic paternal morphine exposure increases sensitivity to morphine-derived antinociception.” Science Advances, 2022; v8, Issue 7.
Waddell EA¥, Ruiz-Whalen D, O’Reilly AM, Fried NT. “Flying in the Face of Adversity: A Drosophila-based Virtual CURE Provides Semester-long Authentic Research Opportunity to the Flipped Classroom.” Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 2021, e00173-21.
Burdge J, Fried NT, Abdus-Saboor I. “Using High-Speed Videography to Construct a Mouse Pain Scale.” STAR Protocols 2, 100322 (2021).
Fried, N.T., Chamessian, A., Zylka, M.J., and Abdus-Saboor, I. (2020). “Improving pain assessment in mice and rats with advanced videography and computational approaches.” Pain, 2020 161, 1420–1424.
Abdus-Saboor I*, Fried NT*, Lay M, Burdge J, Swanson K, Fischer R, Jones J, Dong P, Cai W, Guo X, Tao YX, Bethea J, Ma M, Dong X, Ding L, Luo W.” Development of a Mouse Pain Scale Using Sub-second Behavioral Mapping and Statistical Modeling.” Cell Reports, 2019; 28 (6): 1623 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.07.017 (*co-first authors). Infographic at Piktochart
Fried NT, Elliot MB, Oshinsky ML. “The Role of Adenosine Signaling in Headache: a Review.” Brain Sci. The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Headache Disorders special issue 2017, 7(3), 30
Fried NT, Maxwell CR, Elliot MB, Oshinsky ML. “Region-specific disruption of the blood-brain barrier following repeated inflammatory dural stimulation in a rat model of chronic trigeminal allodynia.” Cephalalgia 2017
Fried NT, Moffat C, Seifert EL, Oshinsky ML. “Functional Mitochondrial Analysis in Acute Brain Sections from Adult Rats Reveals Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Migraine.” Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2014, 307(11):C1017-30.
Talati PG, Hoang DT, Fried NT, Magee MS, Fineberg JD. “A Perspective on PhD Career Outlook: Training, Mentoring and Utilizing a New Generation of STEM Doctoral Degrees.” Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship 2014, 1(2):138-143.
Hirata H, Fried NT, Oshinsky ML. “Quantitative characterization reveals three types of dry-sensitive corneal afferents: pattern of discharge, receptive field, thermal and chemical sensitivity.” Journal of Neurophysiology 2012, 108(9):2481-93.
Too often, the public is mistrusting of science and that can drive poor policy-making. I try to break down the doors of the ivory towers by writing for the popular press and trade magazines on the most recent discoveries in pain, giving public lectures world-wide, and working with artists to find unique ways to engage and teach the public.
Science Journalism
I have written for the Pain Research Forum, RELIEF, AACR, and the NINDS.
Click here to view my science journalism clippings
Fried NT “A basic science perspective on pain research and the opioid epidemic” | An opioid epidemic driven by a lack of pain management options | | Neurodiem 18Feb2020.
Fried NT “Doing a Flip From Aversion to Reward” | Melanocortin 4 receptors in the striatum control whether mice assign positive or negative valence to harmful stimuli, including pain. | Pain Research Forum 10Sep2018.
Fried NT “Studying Low Back Pain in Animals—and Treating It Too” | Researchers use a new “biomaterial” to ease intervertebral disc pain in rats. | RELIEF 16Aug2018.
Fried NT “Stopping a Pain Memory Before It Forms: A SPOT-ON Approach” | A new drug halts the creation of proteins that set pain in motion, according to a new study in mice. | RELIEF 2May2018.
Fried NT “Making a Safer Opioid: How Biased Are You?” | Researchers are redesigning opioids to relieve pain without effects on breathing. | RELIEF 28Feb2018.
Fried NT “When the Immune System Attacks Its Own Proteins, Pain Can Emerge” | Patients with autoantibodies against the protein CASPR2 have hyperexcitable nerve cells. | RELIEF 7Jun2018.
Fried NT “Modeling Discogenic Low Back Pain in the Tails of Rats—And Treating It, Too” | Hyaluronic acid hydrogel biomaterial prevents pain caused by intervertebral disc injury at the base of the tail. | Pain Research Forum 18Jun2018.
Fried NT “A Pathogenic Autoantibody Causes Pain by Releasing the Brakes on Sensory Neurons” | Patient-derived CASPR2 autoantibodies decrease potassium channel expression in mouse sensory neurons. | Pain Research Forum 2Apr2018.
Fried NT “Lost in Translation: Without New Proteins, Chronic Pain Cannot Take Off” | A first-in-class RNA decoy blocks PABP from attaching to messenger RNA, preventing translation and pain sensitization. | Pain Research Forum 21Feb2018.
Fried NT “Migraine, Pain, and What the Government Is Doing to Help: A Conversation with Michael Oshinsky” | Michael Oshinsky discusses migraine, pain, and NIH’s efforts to help scientists find new treatments for these disorders. | RELIEF 28Jan2018.
Fried NT “Designing Safer Opioids: How Biased Are You?” | A systematic analysis of multiple mu opioid receptor agonists reveals that bias factor correlates with therapeutic window | Pain Research Forum 11Jan2018.
Fried NT “OUCH! Quit Pulling My Hair!” | Scientists discover pain neurons in mice that are activated in response to painful pulling of even a single hair | RELIEF 20Nov2017.
Fried NT “Newly Identified Nociceptors Transmit Pain From Hair Follicles” | A-delta nociceptor population responds to pulling of even a single hair in a mouse study | Pain Research Forum 10Oct2017.
Fried NT “Phosphorylation Outside the Cell: A New Factor in Chronic Pain?” | Extracellular phosphorylation of a single tyrosine in EphB2 on spinal cord neurons increases NMDAR activity and pain | Pain Research Forum 15Sep2017.
Fried NT “Outside or Inside? If at First You Don’t Succeed (with a New Pain Drug), Try, Try Again” | A new discovery suggests researchers could again set their sights on substance P, a molecule with a known role in pain. | RELIEF 24Aug2017.
Fried NT “A New Way To Measure Pain in Infants” | A simple electroencephalogram recording provides an objective measure of pain in infants. | RELIEF 1Aug2017.
Fried NT “Consider the Endosome: New Life for Neurokinin 1 Receptor Antagonists?” | Blocking substance P activation of NK1R in endosomes is more effective at relieving pain than cell surface inhibition, but questions remain | Pain Research Forum 18Jul2017.
Fried NT “Uncovering the Genetic Links Between Pain and Depression” | A recent study lays the groundwork to understand the genetic basis for the pain-depression connection. | RELIEF 5Jul2017.
Fried NT “Redesigning an Old Opioid to Make a Safer Drug” | Computer simulation aids redesign of fentanyl so it works only in injured areas, avoiding unwanted side effects. | RELIEF 17Jun2017.
Fried NT “A New Brain Measure of Nociception in Infants” | EEG recordings reveal noxious-evoked brain activity that can serve as an objective measure of pain and analgesic efficacy | Pain Research Forum 12Jun2017.
Fried NT “Can Old Drugs Be Repurposed to Prevent Morphine Withdrawal? ” | Findings in rodents suggest a path to helping patients. | RELIEF 23May2017.
Fried NT “Long-Term Neuropathic Pain Leads to Changes in Gene Expression in Brain Areas Associated With Depression” | RNA sequencing in multiple connected brain regions identifies large number of genes underlying pain-depression connection; new study will serve as resource for future work | Pain Research Forum 19Apr2017.
Fried NT “A New Opioid Targets Active Sites of Inflammation to Relieve Pain.” | NFEPP binds and activates mu-opioid receptors only at low pH, soothing pain in rats without typical side effects| Pain Research Forum 23Mar2017.
Fried NT “Inhibition of Pannexin-1 Channels on Microglia Reduces Morphine Withdrawal in Rodents” | Findings point the way toward a clinical strategy to mitigate an adverse effect of opioids | Pain Research Forum 21Feb2017.
Fried NT “An Autism Gene Regulates Pain Too” | The autism gene, called SHANK3, affects a well-known protein that transmits pain signals. | RELIEF 14Feb2017.
Fried NT “Can Pain Be Transferred Through Scent?” | Findings in mice provide a new explanation for the “social transfer” of pain. | RELIEF 1Feb2017.
Fried NT “Autism Gene Modulates Thermal Pain” | SHANK3, a gene closely associated with autism spectrum disorders, regulates TRPV1 function, possibly contributing to changes in pain sensitivity seen in autism | Pain Research Forum 4Jan2017.
Fried NT “Olfactory Cues Facilitate the Social Transfer of Pain in Mice ” | Control animals housed in same room but different cage as experimental animals experience pain hypersensitivity | Pain Research Forum 9Nov2016.
Fried NT “Is It Time to Deprioritize Preclinical Pain Research?” | At the North American Pain School, trainees debated the pros and cons of the issue | Pain Research Forum 13Sep2016.
Fried NT “From Wishful Marine Biologist to Pain Neurobiologist: A Conversation With Robert Gereau” | Pain Research Forum 6Sep2016.
Public Lectures
I give entertaining and educational public lectures world-wide with the audience in mind (i.e., no single-unit recordings for those pub talks).
Click here to view my public talks
“Obstacles for first-generation low-income students and institutional strategies to improve their success and retention.” NIH IRACDA Annual Teaching & Research Conference, Atlanta, 2018.
“Networks: from cyber to transport to neural.” Cafe Scientifique in Woking, United Kingdom at the LightBox art gallery, 2018.
“We don’t have an opioid epidemic; we have a chronic pain management epidemic.” Taste of Science Festival, Philadelphia, 2018.
“Sharing your science on social media.” Communicating Your Science Conference at Drexel University, Philadelphia, 2017.
“How the brain perceives time.” TimeCamp001 science fiction conference hosted by Afrofuturist Affair, Philadelphia, 2017.
“Synesthesia, LSD, and the rewiring of our senses.” Philadelphia Science Festival’s Sensory Overload at Yard’s Brewery, Philadelphia, 2017.
“Alcohol, the Brain, and Migraines.” Washington Township High School, 2017.
The integration of art and science
Art is a powerful conduit to engaging the public with science. If you’re an artist and interested in collaborating, feel free to reach out to me.
Click here to view my art projects

Invited monologist at “Without Order” performance designed, performed, and curated by Colleen O’Brien, local Philadelphia Dancer. The piece integrated dance, story-telling, and science education in a piece called, “The Neuroscience of Self-Preservation”. Iron Factory in Kesington. 2018
“The Chancellor’s Experiential Learning Funds – Research” | Fried lab and MARC fellows describe their research at Rutgers Camden 2023.
“The War on Fentanyl. Rutgers–Camden researchers work to find solutions to the opioid crisis” | Rutgers Camden News 28Feb2022.
“Opioid’s Impact on the Brain Felt Across Generations, Study in Rats Suggests” | Columbia Zuckerman Institute 16Feb2022.
“Celebrating STEM student excellence” | NJ 101.5 28Jan2022.
“John Crespo – LEAP Featured Alumni” | LEAP Academy News 01Jan2022.
“Lab in a box at RU-Camden upping the learning experience during COVID-19“| NJ 101.5 28Nov2020.
“Homes Become Research Labs for Students” | Rutgers Today Now 17Nov2020.
“Homes Become Research Labs for Students Studying Opioid Addiction and Pain” | Rutgers Camden News Now 10Oct2020.
“Summer Virtual Research Opportunities for Undergraduate and Camden High School Students During Coronavirus Pandemic” | Rutgers Camden News Now 1Aug2020.
“Visiting Neuroscientists Challenge WTHS Students with Question: Why not science?” | The Washington Township Sun 20Jan2020.
“The Mouse Pain Scale: A More Reliable and Unbiased Way to Assess Animal Behavior in Pain Research” | Pain Research Forum 24Sep2019.
“A new tool puts a number on mouse pain” | Nature Lab Animal Research Highlight 16Sep2019.
“New Undergraduate Fellowship at Rutgers–Camden Increases Access for Students Pursuing Biomedical Research Careers” | Rutgers Camden News 7Aug2019.
“Research Introduces a More Accurate Way to Gauge Pain in Mice, Yielding Potential to Help Chronic Pain Patients” | Rutgers Camden News 1Aug2019.
“Learning from The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative Insight, and the Brain” | Society of Scholarly Publishing 7May2019.
“Drexel 40 under 40” | Drexel Magazine Spring2019.
“The Aha! Effect, the Brain and What is Pain?” | The Eureka Effect Podcast 20Jan2019.
“Rutgers‒Camden Professor Aims to Help Find Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Relief” | Rutgers Camden News Now 2Jan2019.
“This is your brain on Pain: Nate Fried on Pain and Alzheimer’s” | Real Scientists curator of the week 19Aug2018. Check out the week’s twitter moment.
“Visting neuroscientists take brains of WTHS psychology students to another level” | Washington Township High School 1Feb2018.
“What’s Behind the Spatial Acuity for Pain?” | Pain Research Forum 14Dec2017.
” Crane Arts exhibit explores ‘time and temporality’.” | The Temple News 4Oct2017.
“How Drexel Scientists are Communicating their Research.” | Drexel News Blog 19Apr2017.
“Penn Medicine Poised for Strong Showing at 7th Philly Science Festival.” | Penn Medicine News 5Apr2017.
“WTHS AP psychology students learn about brain pain.” |, True NJ 7Feb2017.
“Visiting Neuroscientists Challenge WTHS Students with Question: Why not science?.” | Rutgers Camden News Now 11Aug2020.
“In Search of a Cure for the Dreaded Hangover.” | Scientific American 17Mar2014.
“Hangover Headache.” | The Scientist 1May2011.
“Science Has Found the Best Way to Cure Your Hangover.” | GAWKER 18Jan2011.